Terms of Service and Privacy
Spectral Web Services collects your name and email address for a few reasons:
- To email you a newsletter, if you sign up for one. (You can unsubscribe any time by following the link at the bottom of the newsletter.)
- To verify your identity with the social sign on provider you selected.
- To email you you a "magic link" for logging in.
- To allow you to comment on blog posts, in which case we will publicly display your name (but never email address).
If you sign up as a member at spectralwebservices.com, we will never sell or share your information with anyone. You may request deletion of your Spectral Web Services account (including your name and email address) at any time using our contact form or by emailing [email protected].
If you were directed to login.spectralwebservices.com by a non-Spectral Web Services site ("destination site") and authorize a social sign-in provider to share your information with us, we will send your name and email to the destination site, to allow your creation of an account or authentication of an existing account on that site. Spectral Web Services does not retain any of your information beyond the brief period necessary to get you logged into the destination site. The site you are logging in to may have a separate privacy policy. Be sure to read their terms, too! Data deletion requests for destination sites should go to the destination site.