About me
Hello, and thanks for visiting!

Hello, and thanks for visiting! Glad to have you here!
On page, you'll find some of the programming and webdev work I've done over the last two decades.
Two decades? Well, OK, three decades at this point, if you want to count an internship writing reports in DataEase in the early 90s.
I built my first website while a graduate student, doing computational protein design. I also wrote a GUI for our group's code, which at that point took a pile of text files and was fussy about integers vs. floats, but not in a way that threw informative error messages in the first six hours on the supercomputer.
I like programming. I like figuring out how to take an idea and make a functional product. I also like taking existing code and figuring out how to bend it to my will. (Do I write in FORTRAN? No, but I did splice in a way to do the calculations I needed for my dissertation into existing FORTRAN codebase.) I enjoy adding, changing, and improving functionality. Lately, Ghost is my main focus, and I'm excited about being a Certified Ghost Expert. (Although it's hilarious when people who've never heard of Ghost-the-blogging-platform start trying to talk to me about real(?!) ghosts because they saw it in my LinkedIn profile!)
I also like teaching; until 2024 I could also be found teaching chemistry and biochemistry to undergraduates. My current side project is a plasmid digestion simulator, which grew out of trying to teach labs online (!!) during the first year of the pandemic. My first prototype (created in a panic the week before I needed it, so don't judge) took in a .csv file (emailed to me by students) and wrote out a simulated gel image (which I emailed back), but I'm now building it as React Native app, to make it more widely accessible.
I love helping my Ghost-using clients solve problems. Need my help? Get in touch!