More i18n afoot!
I thought "oh, it'd be cool to fix those couple strings in Ghost's newsletter template, and its Sunday evening, and why not?" It was not that easy.

Check this out - I thought "oh, it'd be cool to fix those couple strings in Ghost's newsletter template, and its Sunday evening, and why not?"
Readers, it was not a quick and easy job.
In no particular order:
- Dependency injection (that meant I had to pretty much rewrite everything because it was a clueless newbie moment)
- Recognizing strings for translation in both .js and .hbs
- Lots of strings as variables
- Lots of dates to internationalize
- Substitutions getting passed to Mailgun that needed to be translated without breaking placeholders.
- Buttons with text as images.
- Testing snapshots. So many snapshots. Changing those two stinkin' buttons broke tests in four separate packages.
But eventually... 42 commits later...

(Please forgive me the bad random test posts, and focus on how all the boilerplate is now in French. Possibly bad French, because mine is stale.)

Other news & a bit of meta
A big shout out and thanks to Magic Pages for being my very first GitHub sponsor!
Want to be my second sponsor?

One of the things I've got to work out is how to make contributing to Ghost actually sustainable. It's super fun (lots of interesting challenges and I just love the Ghost dev team), but it doesn't pay the bills. So please forgive me if you see more pitches to sponsor me over the next few months.
Anyone interested in funding portal with auto/dark mode?