Some mighty nice refactoring
And showing off a before/after slider, too!

I've been working on making some changes in the Ghost core, that'll allow editors to manage members and moderate comments. (This will be controllable by a toggle in Labs.) No, it isn't merged yet. Big kudos to 404media for sponsoring this work! It's such a joy to get paid to do open source.
It's 53 files edited, and counting – oof! There's logic baked into a lot of places, and the core permissions system itself can be a little confusing, since there are both role-based permissions (you're an administrator, so you can...), and user-based permissions (you authored this content, so you can...), and even some member-based permissions (you wrote that comment, so you can...). But I'm not here today to tell you about the Ghost permissions system in detail. Nope, I'm here to show off some refactoring, that I did while adding in the new role.
If you're reading this post on the web, you should see a cool slider with a snippet of the refactoring I did below these words. (Yes, I could have hidden the words too, but...)
The ability to block sending a broken javascript embed to email readers is a neat new feature in beta. I'm enjoying it! For those of you reading email, you should see the before and after images below instead. But come on over to the post and check it out online, too!
Pretty spiffy, huh?
Wondering about Super Editors? Stay tuned. I'll write more when the PR gets merged.