Getting started How to embed a Flikr photo in Ghost Want to use Flickr images in Ghost? This tutorial will show you how, no coding needed.
Ghost Fixing images in Ruby I love the Ruby theme, but a I've been adding more and more posts to the front page, my PageSpeed number dropped - a lot. I dug into the issue and here's what I learned.
Ghost A shopping experience for Ghost Still a WIP. A shopping cart theme that works in Ghost, no hacks to core? Yes please!
Integrations Can we add events to Ghost? Can I create some integration between Ghost and Google Calendar? Yes. Is it worth it? Not sure.
Contact Form How I finally got Google to accept my Ghost contact form mail There are lots of services for webforms that will take your money and handle your forms. This is not a post about any of them. This is a post about how I rolled my own, and the 'fun' I had doing it.
CSS How to turn a Ghost theme to dark mode There are a lot of things I like about the Edge theme, but the black and grey on white color scheme didn't work. Hack the theme or code injection?
React Native CartHacks, a grocery list/ordering app My React Native app simplifies meal planning and grocery ordering, using OAuth2 for API access to Kroger shopping cart.
Javascript HPLC data processing Originally in .tcl, then re-implemented in JavaScript for easier use.
Ghost Avni Patel Jewelry My client needed a site to display her jewelry, with the ability to add new creations later. I went with Ghost, which uses NodeJS and MySQL